At Pure Southern Water, we know that water is essential. It permeates every corner of our daily existence. We also know that not all water is created equal and that hard water can be a major struggle for those in Nashville & surrounding areas.

Symptoms of Hard Water

Hard water-related issues can be a large source of frustration. According to the Water Quality Association symptoms of hard water can include:
  • Stiff, dingy laundry
  • Mineral deposits on dishes and glassware
  • High soap usage & need for fabric softeners
  • Extra work to remove soap curd on bathtubs & shower stalls
  • High energy costs, possibly due to scale build-up in pipes and on appliances
  • Scale build-up in sinks, tubs, faucets & appliances<p>
According to the Department of Energy, hard water “negatively impacts the efficiency and lifespan of any appliance that requires water for operation.” If you’re noticing build-up in your coffee pot, it doesn’t stop there. This same type of buildup can be found in larger appliances like your water heater, dishwasher, and water dispenser in your refrigerator as well. Stubborn limescale deposits, pesky spots on your dishes, irritating dry skin and brittle hair, or having to replace appliances prematurely because of the havoc the buildup from hard water is causing are possible signs that it might be time to consider investing in a water-softening system.

What is a Water Softener?

A water softener is a device that removes minerals like calcium and magnesium from hard water to make it “soft.” They are designed to reduce the hardness of water by removing calcium and magnesium ions, the primary minerals responsible for making water hard. A water softening system can use various methods to create “softened” water. The main purpose of water softeners is to improve water quality and protect plumbing and appliances from scale buildup caused by hard water. Finding the best water softener for your home and family’s specific needs is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Let’s talk about a few things you should consider before making this life-changing investment.

Understanding Your Specific Water Supply

Finding the best residential water softener first begins with understanding your water supply. Not all water sources are created equal, and water hardness can vary dramatically from region to region and even house to house. The level of hardness in water is determined by measuring how elevated levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium are. These minerals can wreak havoc on your plumbing, appliances, and personal comfort. The best way to determine the hardness of your water is to get a professional water test. Understanding your water’s hardness level, often measured in grains per gallon (GPG) or milligrams per liter (mg/L), is crucial in determining the appropriate water softener capacity. What works for your friend a few blocks away may not be best for your home or solve the frustration you’ve been facing.

Reputable Water Treatment Dealers vs. Online-Only Providers

Once you’ve determined your water’s hardness, you’ll need to decide which water softener is the best water softener for you. According to the Department of Energy, “water softener systems are often not widely understood products, so it can be difficult for consumers to judge the best systems.” This is where considering the differences between a reputable and knowledgeable dealer and an online-only provider becomes important. Expertise Matters: A seasoned professional can help you sort through your whole house water softener options. Water is complex and has many potential characteristics, so there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to softened water. A reputable dealer possesses the knowledge and experience to accurately assess your water quality and recommend the ideal water softener size and type for your unique requirements. They’ll consider factors such as your household’s water consumption, family size, and the severity of your water hardness issue. This detailed approach ensures you get the most efficient and cost-effective solution for your specific needs. They may also be able to help you identify other potential contaminants in your water. Installation and Maintenance: A reputable dealer doesn’t just sell you a water softener; they also ensure it gets installed correctly and they provide ongoing maintenance and support. While online-only providers may offer self-installation options, they lack the professional guidance necessary to avoid common installation errors that can impact system performance, cause potential damage to your home, or void warranties. Quality Assurance: A local professional typically offers high-quality products from trusted brands with a proven track record. They prioritize customer satisfaction, stand behind their products and services, and can often provide warranties along with dependable support. Local Knowledge: A local dealer will know the particular water challenges in your area intimately. They possess insights into prevalent issues and can tailor their recommendations accordingly, ensuring that your chosen water softener stands up to the needs of your family and your home.